번호 제목 게재수준 게재일자

Dammarane-Type Glycosides from the Steamed Flower-Buds of Panax ginseng

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-05-20
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-05-20

Prostaglandin E-2 Induces CYP1B1 Expression via Ligand-Independent Activation of the ER alpha Pathway in Human Breast Cancer Cells

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-04-01
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-04-01

Glycolipid Components from the Leaves of Panax ginseng and Their Effects on HL-60 Human Leukemia Cells

교내학술지 2010-03-26
교내학술지 2010-03-26

Phenolic Components from the Leaves of Panax ginseng and Their Effects on HL-60 Human Leukemia Cells

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-03-15
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-03-15

Dammarane-Type Saponins from the Flower Buds of Panax ginseng and Their Intracellular Radical Scavenging Capacity

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-02-01
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-02-01

Murrayafoline A attenuates the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway by promoting the degradation of intracellular beta-catenin proteins

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-01-01
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-01-01

Dammarane-type saponins from the flower buds of Panax ginseng and their effects on human leukemia cells

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-01-01
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-01-01

신약 개발을 위한 참당귀(Angelica gigas Nakai) 추출 Decursin과 Decursinol Angelate의 약리 작용

학진등재학술지 2009-12-29
학진등재학술지 2009-12-29

Two New Dammarane-Type Saponins from the Leaves of Panax ginseng

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2009-12-01
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2009-12-01

LC-MS/MS Assay Validation for a New Immune Modulator, JHL45, and its Major Metabolite in Plasma: Application to Pharmacokinetic Studies in Rats

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2009-11-20
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2009-11-20