번호 제목 게재수준 게재일자

Ethylacetate fraction from Korean seaside starfish, Asterias amurensis, has an inhibitory effect on MMP-9 activity and expression and on migration behavior of TNF-alpha induced human aortic smooth muscle cells

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2011-06-01
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2011-06-01

Anti-inflammatory activity of ethylacetate fraction of Cliona celata

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2011-06-01
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2011-06-01

Simultaneous Determination of Bioactive Flavonoids in Some Selected Korean Thistles by High-Performance liquid Chromatography

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2011-03-31
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2011-03-31