번호 제목 게재수준 게재일자

Control of a quasi-one-dimensional phase of a Si nanostructure: Vicinal Si(557) surfaces

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-02-08
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2010-02-08

Indium-induced triple-period atomic wires on a vicinal Si(111) surface: In/Si(557)

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2009-06-16
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2009-06-16

Effects of Cryopreservation on Ca(2+) Signals Induced by Membrane Depolarization, Caffeine, Thapsigargin and Progesterone in Boar Spermatozoa

국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2008-12-31
국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2008-12-31

Cardiac systems biology and parameter sensitivity analysis: intracellular Ca2+ regulatory mechanisms in mouse ventricular myocytes

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2008-04-25
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2008-04-25

Fluid pressure modulates L-type Ca2+ channel via enhancement of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in rat ventricular myocytes

국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2008-04-19
국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2008-04-19

Atomic structure model of the reconstructed Si(557) surface with a triple step structure: Adatom-parallel dimer model

국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2008-04-18
국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2008-04-18

Overexpression of junctate induces cardiac hypertrophy and arrhythmia via altered calcium handling

국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2008-04-01
국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2008-04-01

Knock down of type 2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor using shRNA expressing adenovirus in rat ventricular myocytes

기타학술지 2008-02-02
기타학술지 2008-02-02

Enhancement of Ca2+ current does not regulate the speed of depolarization-induced Ca2+ propagation wave in rat atrial myocytes

학진등재학술지 2007-12-31
학진등재학술지 2007-12-31

Modulation of local Ca2+ release sites by rapid fluid puffing in rat atrial myocytes

국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2007-04-01
국제저명학술지 : SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 2007-04-01