

2022년 사업성과
2022년 사업성과
작성자 관리자
조회수 270 등록일 2023.02.17

<주요 논문>

Therapeutic correction of hemophilia A using 2D endothelial cells and multicellular 3D organoids derived from CRISPR/Cas9-engineered patient iPSCs

CD44 is involved in liver regeneration through enhanced uptake of extracellular cystine

Development of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatic organoids as an alternative model for drug safety assessment

Hydroxyapatite-binding albumin nanoclusters for enhancing bone tumor chemotherapy

Ginsenoside Rh1 Inhibits Angiotensin II-Induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration and Proliferation through Suppression of the ROS-Mediated ERK1/2/p90RSK/KLF4 Signaling Pathway

Cellular antioxidant potential and inhibition of foodborne pathogens by a sesquiterpene ilimaquinone in cold storaged ground chicken and under temperature-abuse condition